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A n d r e w D e n m a n


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European Robin drawing by Andrew Denman <Back to Thumbnails "Clarion"
60 x 31 cm
Graphite, Nero Pencil, & Colored Pencil on Watercolor Board, 2022
European Robin


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The European Robin is a bird I will forever associate with my time in the UK. Their tiny, graceful form, sprightly behavior, and beautiful, liquid song are all emblematic of the natural beauty of the English Countryside. On a recent trip to the UK, I seemed to encounter singing robins around every bend. All of them seemed quite content to pose for photographs, something I have always taken as nature’s way of saying, “Hey, Andrew, this is something you need to draw or paint. Now get to it!” This particular bird, observed at Sculpture by the Lakes in Dorset, serenaded me for a long while, and I knew he would be featured in an artwork. I chose to describe only his bright, luminous orange head and chest in color, letting the rest of the scene fade into the black, white, and grey, of winter. The use of color here is very calculated, appropriately descriptive off the Robin’s clarion call portending the coming of Spring.

Welcome to the online home for artwork by Andrew Denman, a California �based, internationally recognized, award-winning contemporary wildlife artist. Denman primarily paints wildlife and animal subjects in a unique, hallmark style combining hyper-realism with stylization and abstraction. His dynamic and original acrylic paintings can be found in museum collections on two continents and in numerous private collections in the USA and abroad. His clear voice, unique vision, and commitment to constant artistic experimentation have positioned him on the forefront of an artistic vanguard of the best contemporary wildlife and animal painters working today.
All artwork and text featured on this page and throughout this website is protected by international copyright laws. Use of these images or text is prohibited without the express written permission of Andrew Denman.